It’s been a rocky year for Captain Swan what with Emma (Jennifer Morrison) becoming the Dark One, then Hook (Colin O’Donoghue) almost dying, then Emma turning Hook into a Dark One, then Hook opening the portal to the Underworld and…
Search Results For: once upon a time
TV Review: Once Upon A Time (5×10): ‘Broken Heart’
As we lay on the cusp of Season 5A, a lot of questions were answered in last night’s episode but new ones were revealed as we learnt more about Hook’s evil plan and why Emma decided to wipe everyone’s memories.…
TV Review: Once Upon A Time (5×08 & 5×09): ‘Birth’ and ‘The Bear King’
Sunday, because of the airing of next week’s American Music Awards, Once Upon A Time decided to treat us to two episodes back to back. While I do still question why the synchronicity of these two episodes (especially the motivation…
TV Review: Once Upon A Time (5×07): ‘Nimue’
We got to learn more about Merlin in this week’s episode of Once Upon A Time; mainly about how he got his magic. As well we learn the true story of the first Dark One and the forging of Excalibur. In Camelot…
TV Review: Once Upon A Time (5×06): The Bear and the Bow
Last night’s episode of Once Upon A Time went back to the former seasons’ formula of character-driven episodes that are not purely about the Charmings nor Regina, allowing us to delve deeper into the Merida story and gave Belle the…