Halfway into the freshman season of ABC’s The Mayor and it hasn’t slowed down. Since the premiere, The Mayor has been able to keep the momentum over the last six episodes. Through the use of comedy, the show has become a great escape for the political world we live in today while also using the characters’ relationship to help understand local politics.
For a show with a premise about an up-and-coming rapper running for mayor to gain free publicity, it has turned its axis to focus on what goes into local government. In these sensitive times politically, The Mayor gives viewers a light-heat approach to the inner workings of your local government. If the show lasts for a few seasons, it could even compete with the likes of NBC’s Parks and Recreation.
Brandon Michael Hall as Mayor Courtney Rose has yet to miss a beat. It makes you wonder where he has been the last few years. His charisma lights up the screen in every scene. As the season progresses, Courtney is having to deal with his new role as mayor every day while also trying to be a “regular guy.” He’s had to deal with dating snafus, bus strikes, crime rates, his mother’s lectures, and more while taking office. But in the end, he always learns a valuable lesson.

Not only does The Mayor focus on politics, but it also teaches a valuable lesson each episode without trying. It’s great to see a comedy display a different side of politics. Courtney isn’t into back-room deals or screwing over one person for another. Once he gets over what’s best for him, he listens to the people and does what they need. Thanks to his right-hand woman, Val (Lea Michele), he learns that sometime sacrifices have to be made, but you can still put the people first.
Hall’s chemistry with Michele gets stronger every episode. Her character is the perfect balance in Courtney’s crew. She brings the feminine and professional touch Courtney needs to succeed. The contrast of the characters not only brings out the humor in their relationship, but also the humility. Like I said earlier, Val helps show Courtney that you can do good in government, but you just have to do it a certain way. For Glee fans, Michele is able to bring out her former Rachel Berry, but in a less obnoxious and musical way.
I’m interested to see where the show goes during the rest of the season as it has already covered strikes, crime, dating as a public figure, monetary budgets and more. With the way the show is going, who knows, Courtney could run for governor next.