How much messier can these Heads of Households (HOHs) go on Big Brother Canada 10? It’s terrible for their gameplay, but it’s amazing for us viewers at home! Week 2 and Week 3 cemented the alliances running the house, and then destroyed the majority of them to create new ones. Backstabs, betrayals, and bad moves. These were chain reactions that we haven’t seen implode this much since the earlier seasons, like Big Brother Canada 5. It’s entertaining, it’s jaw-dropping, and it gives you the feeling of shaking your head at the bad gameplay.
Between the two rounds, Week 2 had a more structured pace. Marty as HOH could’ve been a filler week had he gone for the easy route, like nominating Jess for eviction. I’m glad he made moves that were more of self-interest because it showed that he was putting his gameplay above what the house wanted. That mindset is a good motivation as it pushes the houseguest to make moves for their benefit, not others. The last thing we need is for HOHs to sabotage their game by siding with their majority alliances, like what happened on Big Brother Canada 7. Marty could’ve had a simple week had he stuck to his plan.
His big mistake was going back on his word by nominating Betty as a replacement nominee. Once you make a deal with someone not to nominate them, you should never betray it UNLESS you absolutely have to or you can guarantee their eviction. Marty had other options for the replacement; he didn’t need to destroy his relationship with Betty just to have an easy vote. He ruined any chance of having Betty reciprocate the deal–and that mentality will spread to her allies on the other side of the house.
Though, we also need to review Betty’s reaction to being nominated (and whenever her name got floated around). It’s one thing to be upset, but it’s another to go after someone because you’re done with them. Her lashing out at Kevin because she was done with his fake persona was amazing to witness. Absolutely vicious and raw; that type of confrontation was a fire on the episode and it shook Kevin to the core. And when you’re dealing with a shady houseguest, sometimes the direct approach is the way to go.

On the other hand, her chat with Marty about why she was nominated nearly turned her into the main target. If Marty thought that the bridge was completely burnt and that Betty would’ve ignored his request, there was no reason for him to keep her around the house. Betty told him that she would’ve voted Kevin out went against his plans. Betty kept digging herself a bigger hole than where she started. We need to keep our eyes on her because she has the makings of being a consistent pawn, but if she lashes out too much, she could be the next evictee.
Jay getting evicted during Week 2 wasn’t a big surprise. He was Marty’s main target since they didn’t have a strong connection, and since it was the second round, houseguests are more likely to go with the HOH’s wishes. Jay could’ve had a chance to stay if he had played off of Betty’s recent argument with Marty. By reaffirming to Marty that he was on shaky ground with her, Jay could’ve used that as an opportunity to build a new connection and secure his place with the bigger alliance. Instead, he let the chance pass him by. It’s a shame because there was a path, albeit narrow, that he could’ve taken to survive.
Week 3 of Big Brother Canada 10 was where everything went off the rails. Kyle’s HOH reign could best be described as a “disaster of epic proportions.” Going into the round, Kyle was sitting pretty within the majority alliance, had several side alliances, and was genuinely liked by most of the house. Now, he’s a hated figure by more than half of the players, destroyed his game, and got blindsided during his HOH. How much worse could it get for a player? Kyle suffered from major HOHitus.
All he had to do was nominate two players he could justify placing on the block, and then potentially blindsiding someone after the Power of Veto (POV) ceremony to get out his biggest threat. If he wanted Moose evicted, he should’ve planned ahead of time how he would approach the idea with the other houseguests. One of his biggest mistakes was exposing his secret alliances as justification for nominating Moose and then nominating two of his allies. Neither Moose nor Stephanie was going to nominate him at that time; it’s baffling he went direct so quickly instead of choosing someone he had no connection with. Kyle was too overconfident that he could control the players and not have any consequences as HOH; instead, his actions created the opposition that will eventually take him down.
Summer is a houseguest who has emerged as a potential threat. Her hatred toward Kyle spurred on one of the best blindsides in Big Brother history, not just in Big Brother Canada history. (We’ll get to this in a bit.) I loved how she utilized her frustrations to build reinforce bonds with Josh and Hermon, campaign with Tynesha, and then lock in her bonds with Haleena. Week 3 wasn’t even about Summer, but she seized the opportunity to take control; that’s great momentum that could change her future in the game for the better. It won’t be shocking if she finds her way into the final rounds of the season.

Kyle choosing Josh as the replacement nominee was messy for two reasons. The first being that he had told Betty he was going to nominate her if Moose or Stephanie came down. Since Betty wasn’t chosen, that news would shock anyone and keep the house on its toes. How can anyone of them work with Kyle if they’re not sure what decisions he’ll make in power? It’s great for Betty since she survived, but it was a bad move for Kyle.
The second matter was how sad Josh’s nomination made players. Clearly, the house loved Josh! If an HOH or alliance is going after a well-liked player, they need to ensure they have the votes to eliminate them before making the move. Did Kyle have the votes locked? Absolutely not, we’re talking about Kyle here. Kyle should’ve used everyone’s teary reaction as a reason for why they needed to evict Josh ASAP. If everyone was sad to see Josh leave, then that proves how strong of a social game Josh had compared to the house–that’s not a player you want to keep around in the jury phase/finals. Kyle should’ve pushed where he had the proof to justify Josh’s nomination and eviction.
Now, let’s talk about the blindside: who else loved this reveal? For a flipped vote like this to not be spilled to Stephanie or Kyle before the results, it is a miracle in the Big Brother world. A beautiful, shining miracle! This vote was the perfect example of the players without power banding together and turning the tide to topple those in power. Keeping Stephanie around would’ve benefited Kyle’s close allies, so this eviction was a smart move for them to chip away at his numbers. And, it will spark a domino effect that causes more drama in the game. (We love to see it happen.)
Week 2 and Week 3 of Big Brother Canada 10 spiraled out of control to be some of the messiest and most dramatic weeks the series has had in a while. Unlike Week 1, this wasn’t a filler week to simply go with the easy vote. Campaigns, arguments, weighing options–this felt like a real game of Big Brother. And, the episodes were edited and structured in ways that accurately showed the events and how the players thought during the rounds. We need more rounds of Week 2 and Week 3.
Big Brother Canada 10 airs new episodes on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays on Global TV, and streams new episodes the following day on