From Dusk Till Dawn made its return for Season Three with two new episodes that definitely didn’t disappoint. The season started off with new villains, new missions and a familiar face that isn’t at all what we expected. The time jump between this and the last season was a big pay off because the main characters were all in different places that somehow still seamlessly brought them all together again.
The Gecko brothers had a new gig, one that didn’t exactly still well with both of them. Seth Gecko has to be the most relatable character on the show, besides our favorite Ranger Freddie, because the audience could not approach this culebra world without that comedic factor. It was great to see Seth and Richie working together again because it seemed like last season they were separated for such a big gap of time. And this might have made more sense if the brothers weren’t presented to us as the core of the story. They work better when they are together, so them fighting Amaru and her minions off was a welcome change.
This new mythology was also a breath of fresh air that the show may have needed. From Dusk Till Dawn knows how to create a new world without making it too hard to follow, but it reaches a point where each character has a different purpose and it’s not as appealing to piece together. Having this season start off with the members of the group working towards a common goal, even if it’s not together, makes it much more exciting and gives us a bigger stake in the show.
Kate’s transformation was worth the wait, because if there’s anything that stood out in the premiere it’s Amaru possessing Kate. We don’t immediately know what’s happening but this gives us some mystery before the big reveal and provides for some funny moments. Nothing will beat Brasa thinking he can look at Amaru/Kate, only to be reminded that he is working for her and they aren’t on the same level.

With Amaru taking over Kate’s body and the brothers realizing just how serious this doorway to hell is, it’s about time that Kate is front and center when it comes to the show. Her plot revolving around saving Scott was very underwhelming, especially since she can provide a much more crucial role to the overall show. But From Dusk Till Dawn only gives a big role to the characters connected to the Gecko brothers, something that I’m hoping plays out for all the other main characters this season.
Overall the premiere episodes were a success in terms of setting up the next chapter in the story. This new season has a very different vibe when compared to the other two, it’s more gory and there is more of a threat than ever before. There are also new players in the game, some of which we don’t have an exact read on but that I can’t wait to learn more about. The Amaru/Brasa partnership is a scene stealing one, and so far they are doing a very good job of filling those evil villain shoes.
I am wondering where Santanico appears in all of this since her connection with Richie is broken and she isn’t exactly looking to be brought back into the group. Her newly formed relationship with Manola was great to see, but From Dusk Till Dawn isn’t exactly about happiness so she really should have seen that coming. You can’t hang around with those Gecko brothers and expect your loved ones to stay safe.
Characters that might be deserving of a bigger part would have to be Freddie and Scott. Not being a fan of Scott provided difficult when it was all about him for a while when it came to Kate, but there’s a chance he doesn’t have to be written off if he cares even a little bit about his sister. Kate risked everything for her brother, she literally died for him and that has to play a part in Scott’s character development this season.
And as for Freddie, he is our moral compass and it wouldn’t be the same without him there to save the day. There’s also the question of his family and how they are doing? The assumption was that he went back to his daughter and wife, but he didn’t? What happened in those six months?
The third season of From Dusk Till Dawn started off very well, hopefully they will continue on this path for the remaining episodes. There is more plot building, more characters that captivate and more progression that keeps us invested. I have faith that this will continue and that we will become even more attached to everyone involved in this new arc.
Rating: 10/10