Heroes and Villains Fan Fest Recap

Posted by Camille Espiritu, Alex Suffolk, and Yasmin Kleinbart On November 21 and 22, we went to the first ever Heroes and Villains Fanfest in San Jose, California. It was the first of its kind, planned out by “Arrow’s” himself, Stephen Amell. When…

TV Review: Arrow (4×07) “Brotherhood”

“Brotherhood” opens with a bike chase strangely reminiscent of the truck heist in The Dark Knight, until Team Arrow comes in with a Canary Cry, and Diggle comically smashing a truck, before the Ghosts set a mountain of cash ablaze. Again,…

TV Review: Arrow (4×06) “Lost Souls”

      “Lost Souls” opens with a flashback to the end of Season 3, when Ray first attempted his miniaturization technology now that we’re officially aware that he is, in fact, not dead. Instead, he’s actually trapped in a…

TV Review: Arrow (4×05) “Haunted”

Arrow is continuing to keep its plots narrowed and focused this week, as everything in motion is interrupted for our characters when Sara has escaped into Star City to create chaos. The episode opens with Sara’s intentions appearing unclear as…

TV Review: Arrow 4×04 “Beyond Redemption”

“Beyond Redemption” focuses on the ambiguity of “spirit of the people who protect Star City” so as to set up Oliver’s campaign for mayor, but the episode is gelled together by Captain Lance’s involvement with Darhk, and the resurrection of…

Podcast Update! DC Debrief Episode Three

Hello friends! Welcome to another update to the TYF DC Debrief, where we discuss the happenings in Star City, Central City and Metropolis and catch up with our heroes week to week on CW’s The Flash and Arrow. This time…

TV Review: Arrow 4×03 “Restoration”

  This week on Arrow, the girls go on a road trip to see Nyssa and the familiar, but new, Ra’s Al Ghul; and the original Team Arrow combats a meta-human while Oliver and Diggle are forced to hug things…