Gayle Forman’s ‘I Was Here’ to be Adapted into a Movie With New Line

  On Tuesday, it was announced that New York Times best-selling author Gayle Forman’s novel I Was Here is being adapted into a movie by New Line, the same company that adapted and released her other novel If I Stay…

Read of the Week: 17 First Kisses by Rachael Allen

No matter how many boys Claire kisses, she can’t seem to find a decent boyfriend. Someone who wouldn’t rather date her gorgeous best friend, Megan. Someone who won’t freak out when he learns about the tragedy her family still hasn’t…

Universal Hires Author Lauren Oliver to write Screenplay for Film Adaptation of her novel ‘Panic’

As the old saying goes: If you want something done right, do it yourself. Whenever it is announced that a popular book is going to be turned into a movie, it is only natural for the fans to worry about…

Read of the Week: Prisoner of Night and Fog by Anne Blankman

In 1930s Munich, danger lurks behind dark corners, and secrets are buried deep within the city. But Gretchen Müller, who grew up in the National Socialist Party under the wing of her “uncle” Dolf, has been shielded from that side…

February Read: “Ugly Love” by Colleen Hoover

February Read #2 For the second installment of my mini-book review series, I wanted to highlight the ugly side of love. One that leaves our hearts aching and our eyes welling. One that pulls at our heartstrings and brings us…

Read of the Week: Deep Blue by Jennifer Donnelly

The first in a series of four epic tales set in the depths of the ocean, where six mermaids seek to protect and save their hidden world.Deep in the ocean, in a world not so different from our own, live…

Book Review: ‘The Walled City’ by Ryan Graudin

The Walled City, contrary to what it is labeled as, is not a dystopian novel. It’s a story about a walled city, yes, but that very real walled city was demolished in 1994. What’s scariest isn’t just the description of…