Big Brother 20 Review: “Week 7”

Is there any hope left for the FOUTTE/HIVE alliance on Big Brother 20? That’s the looming question we were left with once Angie “Rockstar” got evicted. For the seventh week in a row, another blindside rocked the Big Brother house.…

Big Brother 20 Review: “Week 6”

For the sixth week in a row, Big Brother 20 delivered another blindside dripping in flames and drama. You wouldn’t think that the momentum would still be this strong heading into the second phase of the summer, but Week 6…

Big Brother 20 Review: “Week 5”

Week 5 of Big Brother 20 can be summed up in one word: messy. Queen Bayleigh’s reign as Head of Household brought forth a new level of HOH power trip we hadn’t seen…this summer. Only Sam’s HOH during Week 4…

Big Brother 20 Review: “Week 4”

Did that eviction outcome really happen on Big Brother 20? How?! Life coach and resident psychic Kaitlyn got handed the easiest challenge in Big Brother history… and yet STILL failed to win her way back into the game. A seven-piece…

Big Brother 20 Review: “Week 3”

Poor Brett. He’s going to feel like one less lonely bro now that Winston was evicted on Big Brother 20. The dynamic (but not-so-strategic) duo were instant bros the minute they locked eyes during the first week of the season.…

Big Brother 20 Review: “Week 2”

There is a reality TV lesson that was reinforced during the second week of Big Brother 20: Never solely depend on your first-week alliance! Competitive shows change week-to-week and the balance of power shifts on a dime. While the starting…

Big Brother 20 Review: “Week 1”

Here we go again, Big Brother fans. Big Brother 20 opened its doors for another season of alliances, backstabs, and competitions to last 99 days of summer. For 19 years, Big Brother has been reality TV gold. And for this…