TV Review: AMC’s Preacher 1×04, “Monster Swamp”

Well if it is not one already (I checked, it isn’t), “Monster Swamp” would definitely be a good name for a horror movie. As it stands, this is simply the title for the fourth episode of Preacher and while we…

TV Review: AMC’s Preacher 1×03, “The Possibilities”

Three episodes in and Preacher is now in the position of showing us what episodes will be like week-to-week. “The Possibilities” lacks some of the strengths from the first two episodes, which went gonzo with showing off all the potential…

Movie Review: ‘Warcraft’

Under my name for this review I suppose I should write “not a gamer,” because that seems to make a big difference. My limited knowledge of the game “World of Warcraft” comes primarily from South Park, admittedly an unkind portrayal of…

TV Review: AMC’s Preacher 1×02, “See”

Hopefully everyone got some time to rest, with a week off from Preacher, following the wildly different pilot episode. Now we are back with “See”, which may actually be an even better episode. It is a bit more coherent, even…

TV Review: AMC’s Preacher 1×01, “Pilot”

It’s been over twenty years since the original debut of the Vertigo comic book series Preacher by Garth Ennis and Steve Dillon. The series was a darkly comedic, satirical look at religion through the lens of action movies and ideas…

Peggy Carter wages her final battle against Whitney Frost. Does it satisfy?

As it turns out, “Hollywood Ending” is a somewhat misleading title for Agent Carter’s season finale. After all, while we may rag on studios for being a little safe in how their stories conclude, they at least normally bother to make…

TV Review: Agent Carter (2X03) “Better Angels”

After a toneless, empty and ultimately disappointing two-hour premiere, Agent Carter Season 2 finds itself in a bit of a rough position. We’ve got mad scientists, Zero Matter and brown nosed government agents all thrown in a stew, overtaking the…