Summit Entertainment Announces DIVERGENT Soundtrack Details!

Summit Entertainment has released an official announcement about the DIVERGENT soundtrack. Yesterday, it was revealed that Ellie Goulding will be featured on the soundtrack AND the score along with Hans Zimmer… WOAH! If that wasn’t enough, electronic artist Zedd will…

10 Reasons You Should be Listening to The Cab

If you’re not into the punk/pop rock scene, you may not know who the heck The Cab is. If this is the case, here is a quick bio. They’re 4 guys from Las Vegas, Nevada who released their first album…

Stream the score for HER composed by Arcade Fire

‘Her‘, the latest film by Spike Jonze will not only captivate you with its story and performances, but also for the music created for it. Canadian band Arcade Fire was behind the score of the film (Win Butler and Owen…

Assassin’s Creed Movie May Have Director

The movie adaptation of Assassin’s Creed has been in development hell for a while now. Around this time last year it was rumored that Michael Lesslie would be doing the screenplay for the film and that Michael Fassbender would be starring in…

The Inaccuracies of Lincoln

I first saw Steven Spielberg’s Lincoln a week after it came out in 2012, and then again this weekend, which had me wondering about the film’s inaccuracies. The film brilliantly describes the struggle of Abraham Lincoln during the Civil War…

Audiobook Review: The Last Stand of the New York Institute (Bane Chronicles #9)

Official Description: Magnus meets Valentine in battle as the Circle attacks the Downworlders of New York City. In the time of the Uprising, Valentine’s Circle goes after Downworlders in New York…and the Shadowhunters of the Institute must decide whether to…

Ellie Goulding Officially Announces Work on Divergent!

Ellie Goulding has announced her work for DIVERGENT! We’ve heard bits and pieces of Ellie’s voice from the Divergent clip teaser  AND the official first clip. On ABC News, Ellie has officially announce her work for music in the film. Check…