Gotham 4×03 Review: “A Dark Knight: They Who Hide Behind Masks”

“A Dark Knight: They Who Hide Behind Masks” had a lot of build-up, but not much in terms of delivery. Don’t get me wrong, it wasn’t a bad episode; in fact, I think this is an essential episode to the…

Gotham 4×02 Review: “A Dark Knight: The Fear Reaper”

“A Dark Knight: Fear Reaper” proved why Scarecrow is one of the most terrifying (and powerful) Batman villains. Fear is a dangerous thing and based on those affected this week on Gotham, it can lead to pandemonium when left unchecked.…

Gotham 4×01 Review: “A Dark Knight: Pax Penguina”

Gotham City has fallen to regulated chaos. After the events of the season three finale, it’s surprising to see how quickly the villains have amassed approved control since then. Everything is structured, filed and agreed upon by the leader –…

TV Review: Gotham 3×07 “Red Queen”

Despite being well-intentioned, the usage of a hallucination during the bulk of Gotham’s runtime felt very contrived. With so many episodes to fill a season with, these types of episodes are often used as padding disguised as an introspective character…

TV Review: Gotham 3×06 “Follow the White Rabbit”

With the exception of last episode’s cliffhanger, Mad Hatter kept his presence to a minimum. Going into this season, I wouldn’t have expected to be clamoring for his presence each and every week. Somehow, Mad Hatter has become my favorite…

TV Review: Gotham 3×05 “Anything For You”

Although Gotham has primarily served as a showcase for guest villains, the primary players of the show shined the brightest last night. Butch and Tabitha, who both have been reduced to the sidelines as of late, were given much more…

TV Review: The Exorcist 1×03 “Chapter Three: Let ‘Em In”

The last episode left off with a group of men (murderers) carrying lunch pails with chopped up human parts in them. Who has got to be the one to make dinner then? No thanks to that. This episode starts three…