Queens Landing Episode 11: Game of Thrones Season 7 Premiere “Dragonstone”

Welcome back to a second season premiere episode of Queens Landing, an all-girls GAME OF THRONES after show by TheYoungFolks.com. Hosts Melissa Berne and I have returned to talk about the Game of Thrones season 7, which premiered on HBO tonight.…

Game of Thrones: Why Sansa Stark Deserves the Iron Throne

Perceived as arguably one of the weaker characters at the beginning of Game of Thrones, Sansa Stark (Sophie Turner) has come a long way in six seasons. So far that it might take her straight to the Iron Throne. Of…

Game of Thrones: Ranking Seasons 1-6

Game of Thrones has been a whirlwind adventure. Ever since it premiered on HBO in 2011, the show–based on the series of novels, A Song of Fire and Ice, by George R.R. Martin–has captured the attention of TV audiences everywhere. Every year, without…

Queens Landing Special: Game of Thrones Season 7 Trailer Reaction

Winter is finally here! Welcome to a special episode of Queens Landing, an all-girls GAME OF THRONES after show by TheYoungFolks.com. Hosts Melissa Berne and I are back from our hiatus to talk about the new Game of Thrones trailer, which…

TV Movie Review: ‘The Wizard of Lies’

HBO’s latest movie, based off of the book written by Diana B. Henriques, brings us up close and personal with the infamous stockbroker, Bernie Madoff, who was responsible for defrauding his clients of almost $65 billion. Although no film adaptation…

Movie Review: The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks

If there is one thing we learned from The Immortal life of Henrietta Lacks (or should I say The Immortal Life of Oprah Winfrey), it’s that the classic saying is true: it’s all about the journey and not the destination.…

HBO Launches New ‘Game of Thrones’ Season 7 Trailer

If there’s anything HBO does best, it’s promo. It’s newest Game of Thrones season 7 trailer released today featuring our three main players Jon (Kit Harington), Dany (Emilia Clarke) and Cersei (Lena Headey) walking through harrowed halls, sitting on empty thrones…