High Maintenance 2×07 Review: “HBD”

It’s a little odd to step back into the old routine of High Maintenance after two such relatively serial installments focused on The Guy, but “HBD” unfolds like the best short stories. It has just enough material to feel complete, but…

High Maintenance 2×06 Review: “Googie”

High Maintenance is not often interested in serialized storytelling, but they’re easing into it this season with this episode, “Googie.” It acts as a second part to last week’s “Scromple,” and parallels it in a few ways: The Guy is…

High Maintenance 2×05 Review: “Scromple”

Knowing this episode title ahead of time, I couldn’t imagine what “Scromple” might refer to. We still don’t really know its origins, but now we know what – or, who – it refers to: Our Guy. This quiet, shaggy episode…

High Maintenance 2×04 Review: “Derech”

“OTD” or “Off the Derech” means to go off the path. Specifically the path referred to is the life within an Orthodox Jewish community, but in its own way High Maintenance and the Guy himself went off their usual path…

High Maintenance 2×03 Review: “Namaste”

High Maintenance gets really real in “Namaste” – although I wish it had been directly named after the yoga place “Namastuy” – and plays out like a slice of New York real estate life. Unlike the past two episodes of the season,…

High Maintenance 2×02 Review: “Fagin”

This might be the most purely funny High Maintenance episode in quite awhile. In the past week I read two especially illuminating interviews, one with Ben Sinclair and the other with Katja Blichfeld, both of which give the impression of…

High Maintenance Season 2 Premiere Review

Last year felt incredibly long. Tonight it felt even longer as I realized that High Maintenace was off the air for the entirety of 2017. Most significantly, the last new episode to air was on October 21, 2016, still a…