TV Review: AMC’s The Walking Dead 6×16, “Last Day On Earth”

I was afraid this would happen. The optimist in me thought The Walking Dead could conclude its season with a reveal of Negan that would have justified the buildup and set up a credible threat we would be continuing to…

TV Review: AMC’s The Walking Dead 6×15, “East”

A lot of questions are brought up in this season’s penultimate episode before the finale, but it does answer one – Michonne did in fact steal Morgan’s last protein bar. Aside from that major revelation though, ‘East’ was a bit…

TV Review: AMC’s The Walking Dead 6×14, “Twice As Far”

Credit goes to ‘Twice As Far’ for being an episode of The Walking Dead that started in a way that didn’t quite set me up for what to expect. We get some neat montages from the onset, before realizing this…

TV Review: AMC’s The Walking Dead 6×13, “The Same Boat”

I am of two minds about ‘The Same Boat’. It is another Walking Dead episode that makes Carol its most important character, which is always a good thing at this point for the show. Sadly, we also have to deal…

TV Review: AMC’s The Walking Dead (6×09) “No Way Out”

The second half of season 6 of The Walking Dead seems to be a reminder that this is a series based on a comic book. The actual Walking Dead comic has always had a better handle on characters than the…

TV Review: AMC’s The Walking Dead (6×08) “Start To Finish”

From start to finish, nothing much happened in ‘Start to Finish’. Sure, there was a death and humans shuffled around the deadly zombie shufflers invading Alexandria, but for a mid-season finale, there was a whole lot of nothing happening, along…

TV Review: AMC’s The Walking Dead (6×07) “Head’s Up”

After weeks of speculation, the answer was simple: he crawled under the dumpster and lived. Yes, the end of this show’s most unnecessary mystery was resolved and that’s great. Sadly, between that and the final moment that provides one hell…