‘Mixtape’ review: A heartwarming story about connecting with the past

Netflix’s Mixtape is a surprisingly wholesome tween movie. Set in 1999, 12-year-old Beverly Moody (Gemma Brooke Allen) lives with her grandmother Gail (Modern Family’s Julie Bowen) since her young parents died in a car crash when she was only two.…

Movie Review: Mr. Roosevelt

The trouble with nostalgia is that it fails to plug change into the equation. Our memories stay perfectly preserved – often closer to how we choose to hold onto them than how we actually experienced them – like old photos…

Slamdance ’17 Movie Review: Dave Made a Maze

Bill Watterson’s Dave Made a Maze is a film that leaves you grasping for points of comparison. How to describe it? A Murakami Merrie Melody? A Jim Henson film written by Philip K. Dick? Jorge Luis Borges presents Pee-wee’s Playhouse?…