TV Review: Once Upon A Time (5×08 & 5×09): ‘Birth’ and ‘The Bear King’

Sunday, because of the airing of next week’s American Music Awards, Once Upon A Time decided to treat us to two episodes back to back. While I do still question why the synchronicity of these two episodes (especially the motivation…

TV Review: Once Upon A Time (5×07): ‘Nimue’

We got to learn more about Merlin in this week’s episode of Once Upon A Time; mainly about how he got his magic.  As well we learn the true story of the first Dark One and the forging of Excalibur. In Camelot…

TV News: Three Characters Return for Once Upon A Time’s 100th Episode

Over the past five seasons, and 100 episodes of Once Upon A Time we have seen many characters float through the series – some were heroes, some were villains, some were a mixture of the two. However for the series’…

TV Review: Once Upon A Time (5×06): The Bear and the Bow

Last night’s episode of Once Upon A Time went back to the former seasons’ formula of character-driven episodes that are not purely about the Charmings nor Regina, allowing us to delve deeper into the Merida story and gave Belle the…

TV Review: Once Upon A Time (5×05): ‘Dreamcatcher’

Last night’s Once Upon A Time got uber meta reminding us of scenes from previous seasons, also we got a little bit of Merlin’s backstory and some inkling as to why and how Emma removed all of their memories before…

TV Review: Once Upon A Time (5×04) ‘The Broken Kingdom’

Today’s episode was all about Arthur vs. Lancelot, and their various supporters – more notably Mary Margaret and David, who took opposite sides in this ship war, causing a rift in their relationship. This is also the first episode this…

TV Review: Once Upon A Time (5×03): ‘Siege Perilous’

This week’s episode seemed to be framed around bromances – Charming and King Arthur, and Hook and Robin Hood. It also had a moment that completely broke my heart, and two resurrections. Let’s go to the episode: Like all fairy…