The Best 30 Episodes of Television in 2016

2016 has been shit. Decipher the why’s for yourselves, but there are plenty of them. Due to this-perhaps inspite of it-more and more we have turned to entertainment to keep the demons at bay and distract our mind with television…

Top 10 New TV Shows of 2016

We keep on celebrating the best of 2016 with the top television shows that debuted this year. We surveyed The Young Folks staff, and based on popularity, the following shows were ranked as the top 10 new series of the…

TV Review: AMC’s Preacher 1×10, “Call And Response”

The season finale of Preacher may as well be titled “It’s About Time.” Ten episodes in and comic book fans may be relieved to finally be seeing the beginning of the show they expected. For everyone else…well this is the…

TV Review: AMC’s Preacher 1×09, “Finish The Song”

The penultimate episode of Preacher’s first season is a strong one with a couple twists helping to show why this is a series I can’t wait to see another season of. One involves Graham McTavish’s Cowboy character and how this…

TV Review: AMC’s Preacher 1×08, “El Valero”

This week’s Preacher may be the most preacher-focused yet. I am aware Dominic Cooper has been praised by some and tolerated by others, but “El Valero” really goes out of its way to show all the different shades Cooper brings…

TV Review: AMC’s Preacher 1×07, “He’s Gone”

A few running storylines have emerged as the most important ones in this first season of Preacher. The most obvious involves Jesse realizing what kind of responsibility he has in using Genesis. Another involves giving shape to Tulip, Cassidy and…

TV Review: AMC’s Preacher 1×06, “Sundowner”

Preacher has shifted from a show that throws everything at the walls and sees what sticks to placing a tight focus around Jesse and it has benefited quite well. The show has also found good ways to develop much of…