First Look into “What If” Starring Daniel Radcliffe

As most people have optimistically predicted, it looks like Daniel Radcliffe has successfully moved away from the Harry Potter franchise. From horror films to Broadway musicals, he is completely pulling away from magic wands and owls; and from the look…

Evan’s Film Review: Paranoia

I don’t know what this movie’s tagline was, but it should have been “The 1% has better smart phones than you.”   The director of ‘Legally Blonde’ presents ‘Paranoia’: Yet another movie that teeters more along the lines of a…

Evan’s Movie Review: Joss Whedon’s ‘Much Ado About Nothing’

Verily, what canst a man sayeth to divvy thine feels err to human, but to maketh a portrait for a beloved whilst…. making… poultry… I can’t pretend to do this. As a major in English literature, even I have to…