Slamdance 2018 Review: The Rainbow Experiment

Throw a pebble at a window and you might not break it, but the impact will crack it and send long tendrils of damage throughout the pane. No matter how hard you might try to repair it, the glass will…

Slamdance 2018 Review: Man on Fire

Grand Saline, Texas, a small-town of about 3,000 people a little ways out from Dallas, seems like any number of small towns dotting the Bible belt. Known primarily for its massive salt deposits owned by Morton Salt (“If you eat…

Slamdance 2018 Review: The Troubled Troubadour

It’s an image stolen, if not from one man’s dreams, then one man’s fevered hallucinations. A cranky sexagenarian, his long hair as white as his tiger-print poncho, neatly sits in a rowboat suspended by two wheeled beams above a train…