Tosche Station Episode 23: The Scenes We’re Thankful For in All of “Star Wars”

In this Thanksgiving special of Tosche Station, Jordan and Alex go over some casting news with the young Han Solo movie and “Star Wars: Battlefront” announcements before spending some time to explain what “Star Wars” scenes they are most thankful…

Tosche Station Episode 22: Reactions to the Latest “Rogue One” Trailer!

The third Rogue One: A Star Wars Story trailer just dropped, and there’s tons to talk about! Info about Mads Mikkelsen’s Galen Erso, the possibilities surrounding Jedi ruins, glorious space battles, and more is on the slate for this week’s…

Booktober Book Review: The Peculiar Haunting of Thelma Bee by Erin Petti

Hope you grabbed a Pumpkin Spice latte because it’s time for our second installment of Booktober! For those of you just tuning in, Booktober is a month long book series that aims at providing our readers with spooky reads, chilling…

New Trailer and Poster for Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

The new trailer for Rogue One: A Star Wars Story has finally arrived which means the release of the film is only two short months away! This trailer finally gave us a glimpse as to what role Jyn Erso’s (Felicity…

Tosche Station Episode 21: “Star Wars” Fan Theory Hour!

This week on Tosche Station, Jordan and Alex delve into some circulating fan theories about Kylo Ren, Han Solo, Snoke, and even Jar-Jar Binks (spoiler: He’s a confirmed Sith Lord). Tune in, and find out which theories are plausible or…

Tosche Station Episode 20: Rogue One Changes Composers!

This week, Tosche Station gets through a collection of different Star Wars news stories, like updates on upcoming Star Wars TV shows, what Adam Driver really thinks about comparing Episode 8 to Empire Strikes Back and finally, the upheaval at having…

Tosche Station Episode 19: Analyzing the “Rogue One” trailer and Mark Hamill’s Beard!

After a brief hiatus, Tosche Station is back! This week, Alex Suffolk and Jordan Decker discuss what stands out the most about the latest “Rogue One” trailer after the few weeks since its release, and then give their thoughts on…