Since season three of Girl Meets World finally premiered, now is the perfect time to get into the show. Especially if you’re a Boy Meets World fan. You may have to binge-watch the first two seasons on Netflix but it’s well worth it. By the looks of the last few episodes of season two, we’re diving into more mature topics. Thank you, Michael Jacobs.
Each season has gone by a certain theme. Season one: friendship. Season two: growth. Season three: feelings. The past two seasons, we’ve seen Riley Matthews, Maya Hart, Lucas Friar and Farkle Minkus, along with Zay Babineaux and Isadora Smackle, navigate their way through middle school but now they’re going into the big leagues: high school. This is about the point where most Boy Meets World fans fell in love with the story lines Cory Matthews, Topanga Lawrence and Shawn Hunter were intertwined in.
Without further ado, here are five reasons long time Boy Meets World fans should give Girl Meets World a chance:
- Deeper Topics: As I mentioned above, with a new school comes new mature topics all high schoolers deal with in real life. Every true Boy Meets World fan remembers all those episodes where Corey and Shawn first experienced drinking or when Shawn was protecting his friend from her abusive father. These all happened in high school and with Michael Jacobs still in the loop, we can expect nothing less. Except the fact it is on Disney Channel so we shouldn’t anticipate to watch something that will be completely on par with Boy Meets World… It is a children’s channel, remember that.
- BMW Guest Appearances: We’ve seen everyone from Mr. Feeny to Angela but there are still a few more characters we have yet to encounter. I’m looking at you, Rachel McGuire. We haven’t seen the last of Shawn Hunter who is well on his way to developing a relationship with not only Maya but Maya’s mom, Katy. Also, we have yet to see Topanga and Angela on-screen together. What’s up with that? Rumor has it, she’s making another comeback in season three. Looking forward to what she has to say this time.
- The Ski Lodge: YES. THE ski lodge where we were introduced to… Lauren. This was one of the most pivotal episodes of the show that was a make or break moment in Corey and Topanga’s relationship. THEIR LOVE PREVAILED Y’ALL. But in any case, it’s time for the Riley-Lucas-Maya triangle to go through the wringer.
- Riley and Maya’s Friendship: Riley is definitely her father’s daughter in every shape and form. Maya is a mirror image of Shawn, although she isn’t his daughter. Corey and Shawn were everyone’s favorite bromance. It’s time for Riley and Maya to be everyone’s favorite… Womance?
- The Humor: Although the show is on the Disney Channel Network which hinders its ability to make those sly innuendos, they make do with what they can. Remember, this is a show targeted toward the younger generation and no longer toward us! The show is still able to make me laugh with its witty scriptwriting.
What do YOU tell your friends to try to convince them to watch Girl Meets World?