Big Brother 21 Week 6 Review: Welcome To Jack’s Eviction Party!

Hooray for the eviction we’ve all been waiting for on Big Brother 21: Jack has…

Harlots 3×05 Review: Subplots, Subplots Everywhere

Dull moments have never been a thing on Harlots, but the latest outing is so…

The Handmaid’s Tale 3×12 Review: A Sadistic Turn of Events Leads to Some Giant Steps Back

Even if The Handmaid’s Tale hasn’t been a good show for some time now, it…

Big Brother 21 Week 5 Review: Is This The End Of “The Six Shooters”?

The cracks have formed in the Six Shooters alliance during Week #5 of Big Brother…

Harlots 3×04 Review: Lydia Quigley Continues to Satisfy as the New Wild Card

Unsurprisingly, the latest Harlots is all about mourning. Charlotte’s family is still trying to get…

The Handmaid’s Tale 3×11 Review: More Marthas, More Problems

It’s time for that game again. The one where we add a lot of moments…

Big Brother 21 Week 4 Review: Did Cliff Make The Right Move?

Cliff’s post-Power of Veto decision could have potentially disastrous consequences on Big Brother 21. With…