Survivor: Ghost Island 36×05 Review: “Fate Is the Homie”

Remember when I said in last episode’s review for Survivor: Ghost Island that Malolo needed…

Rise 1×03 Review: Family Dynamics Change in “What Flowers May Bloom”

For a show that is centered around high school theater, Rise doesn’t focus much on the theater…

The Royals 4×03 Review: “Seek For Thy Noble Father in the Dust”

This week’s episode of The Royals was the best they’ve had in a long time.…

Gotham 4×15 Review: “A Dark Knight: The Sinking Ship The Grand Applause”

“A Dark Knight: The Sinking Ship The Grand Applause” was the long-awaited downfall of Sofia…

Once Upon a Time 7×14 Review: “The Girl in the Tower” Could Have Done More For Alice

One of the downsides of having a large cast like Once Upon A Time does…

Survivor: Ghost Island 36×04 Review: “A Diamond in the Rough”

The original Malolo tribe needs a major miracle on Survivor: Ghost Island. Ever since the…

Big Brother Canada 6 Review: “Week 3”

Now THAT was a game-changing week of Big Brother Canada 6! Sure, we’ve watched weeks…