Jandy Nelson, critically acclaimed author of The Sky is Everywhere, is touring blogs during September to enlighten the web with her new book, I’ll Give You the Sun. From giveaways to guest posts to other awesome content, I challenge you to visit all the blogs involved with the tour. However, if that’s too time-consuming, I’ll be satisfied as long as you buy I’ll Give You the Sun on the sixteenth!
About I’ll Give You the Sun:
At thirteen, Jude and her twin Noah were incredibly close. Sure, Noah was quiet and always drawing, while Jude did enough talking and took enough risks for the both of them, but back then, at least they were speaking to each other. Now, three years later, Noah and Jude barely interact with each other. Something happened between them that can never be overcome, at least that’s what Jude thinks. Little does she know that meeting a beautiful, broken boy and a genius sculptor might change enough in her to change everything between Noah and her. And maybe, just maybe, Noah and Jude will realize that only when they’re together is the world right. I’ll Give You the Sun is a story of betrayal, first love, beautiful art, and ultimately, radiance.
I’ll Give You the Sun Mini Gallery Opening
By Jandy Nelson
I love art. In I’ll Give You the Sun, I think of it like another character, one with whom all the other characters are deeply engaged. One of my favorite things about writing this story was getting to see different artworks anew through the eyes of Noah and Jude, who were pretty much raised on paintings and sculpture by their art historian mother Dianna. Noah says, “Other kids had picture books, we had art books.” Many works of art are mentioned in the novel, mostly just in passing. I thought I’d showcase some of my absolute favorites:

This is Brancusi’s The Kiss and oh how I do love thee. It gives me chills every single time I see it. I think this is one of the most romantic sculptures ever made and Jude agrees.

Here we have The Therapist by Rene Magritte. A surrealist painter both Noah and I adore. Each painting of his is a fantastical story. Magritte also shares his birthday with Noah and Jude (November 21st). The Therapist was part of the litany Noah goes into when he meets Brian (the new boy next door) in the woods for the second time. He describes it as, “The one where (a) guy has a birdcage instead of a body. Supremely cool and twisted.” I agree!

This is One: Number 31 by Jackson Pollock, an abstract expressionist painter famous for throwing paint at canvases. What’s interesting is that I wasn’t a huge Pollock fan until I saw his work through Noah’s eyes. It came alive for me in ways it never had before. This painting is part of a pivotal moment in the story. Without spoiling anything, here is what Noah says about it, “It was the Jackson Pollock exhibit. Mom and I spent forever in front of the painting One: Number 31—because holy shit!—and when we walked out of the museum, Pollock’s bright spidery paint was still all over us. . .”
You can really get a sense how absolutely immense One: Number 31 is in this photo from the New York Times (5/13).
These are Raphael’s cherubs, part of his painting Sistine Madonna. I love these guys. And so does Jude. This is the secret tattoo on her belly. She says, “I chose Raphael’s cherubs because they reminded me of NoahandJude—more one than two. Plus they can fly.”

The Scream by Edvard Munch. This is another painting that transformed for me by seeing it fresh through Noah’s eyes. I think I’d seen it so many times in my life that it had lost its power. But seeing it as Noah knocked me out. Noah describes it thusly, “I’m lying on the bed staring at a print on the ceiling of Munch’s The Scream, an off-the-hook painting I wish I made of a guy blowing a gasket.”
Finally, here’s me taking a stone-carving class with Barry Baldwin. I got a ton of insight into Jude and Guillermo by taking this class. And for the record, I’m a terrible carver! Also, note all the protective gear I’m wearing—anyone want to guess who Jude gets her hypochondria from?
P.S. There’s more art from the novel in the gallery on my website jandynelson.com!
Jandy Nelson, like her characters in I’ll Give You the Sun, comes from a superstitious lot. She was tutored from a young age in the art of the four-leaf clover hunt; she knocks wood, throws salt, and carries charms in her pockets. Her debut novel, The Sky Is Everywhere, was on multiple Best Books of the Year lists, was a YALSA Best Fiction for Young Adults pick, earned numerous starred reviews, has been translated widely, and continues to enjoy great international success. Currently a full-time writer, Jandy lives and writes in San Francisco, California—not far from the settings of The Sky Is Everywhere and I’ll Give You the Sun. Visit her online at www.jandynelson.com or find her on twitter at @jandynelson.
Got a question for Jandy? @PenguinTeen will be hosting a Twitter chat with Jandy Nelson, Stephanie Perkins, and Gayle Forman, time and date TK!
Pre-order your copy of I’ll Give You the Sun today! Want a signed / personalized copy? They’re available for pre-order from Books Inc.!
Be sure to check out the rest of the blog tour, featuring guest posts, interviews, giveaways, and more!
Sept. 1 – Cuddlebuggery
Sept. 2 – Novel Sounds
Sept. 3 – Perpetual Page Turner
Sept. 4 – Forever Young Adult
Sept. 8 – The Young Folks
Sept. 9 – The Book Hookup
Sept. 10 – Grown Up Fangirl
Sept. 11 – Bewitched Bookworms
Sept. 15 – Candace’s Book Blog
Sept. 16 – Novel Novice
Sept. 17 – Alice Marvels
Sept. 18 – Icey Books
Sept. 22 – The Midnight Garden
Sept. 23 – The Starry-Eyed Revue
Sept. 24 – Tales of a Ravenous Reader
Sept. 25 – Katie’s Book Blog
Sept. 29 –GReads!
Sept. 30 –Anna Reads