Read of the Week: Eleanor & Park by Rainbow Rowell

“Bono met his wife in high school,” Park says. “So did Jerry Lee Lewis,” Eleanor answers. “I’m not kidding,” he says. “You should be,” she says, “we’re sixteen.” “What about Romeo and Juliet?” “Shallow, confused, then dead.” ”I love you,”…

Oscar Buzz: The Nominees for the 85th Academy Awards Are Here!

Compared to the last few years, the road to this year’s Oscars has moved rather quickly. At least to me, it has. But the fun hasn’t really started yet. This morning, Oscar host Seth MacFarlene (Family Guy, Ted) and Emma…

TOP TEN: Hard Rock Covers

Rock of Ages is coming out in theaters this month! The movie-musical will feature some of our favorite movie stars (Tom Cruise! Catherine Zeta-Jones!) belting out the greatest rock hits from the 1980s. So in honor of that I’d like to…

This Month in Film: April’s New Releases

We are about to enter April! After a pretty good March for movies, now is the time when Hollywood dumps an assortment of movies on us. Most are films that they want to release before Summer Blockbuster season begins, others…

This Month in Film: February New Releases

Each month we’ll try to spotlight what we think may be your best bets for the next four weeks. February is usually filled with romantic movies, all circling around Valentine’s Day, and action or kids movies aimed to take over…

TV Show Review: Top 5 reasons why you should see “Allen Gregory”

By: LucianaVee First of all, I should say that I’m not the type of person who actually sits down in front of the TV with the sole purpose of watching comedic cartoons, but for FOX’s new TV show, “Allen Gregory”,…

Listen to Episode 21 of our TYF Podcast!

Hello ladies & gents! We are back with TYF episode 21. Today, we have special guest, Mat, on the show. NickF16 is out because today is his birthday!! Go wish him a happy birthday! On with the show, this week…