Our Shared Shelf March book review: “All About Love: New Visions”

Welcome back to my monthly coverage of Emma Watson’s Our Shared Shelf book club! Last month’s pick was “The Color Purple,” and this month, Ms. Watson has chosen “All About Love: New Visions” by bell hooks. “All About Love: New Visions”…

TV Review: Once Upon A Time (5×14): Devil’s Due

This week’s episode was all about first loves, with Rumple and Hook with Milah, and Regina with Daniel, all seemingly receiving closure. Along for the ride we also got a surprise new pregnancy, a river of lost souls, and nasty…

Movie Review: Eye in the Sky

War and fighting has been a constant force in humanity for as long as people have had disagreements. The evolution of battle has evolved from stones, to swords, to guns and even to nuclear weaponry. It will continue to evolve,…

The Young Folks’ Best Movies of 2015

The Young Folks team has come together to list the very best in entertainment and pop culture for the year 2015! 2015 was a wonderfully eclectic year in movies. We got two of the biggest movies ever: Jurassic World and…

TV Review: Once Upon A Time (5×07): ‘Nimue’

We got to learn more about Merlin in this week’s episode of Once Upon A Time; mainly about how he got his magic.  As well we learn the true story of the first Dark One and the forging of Excalibur. In Camelot…

TV Review: Once Upon A Time (5×06): The Bear and the Bow

Last night’s episode of Once Upon A Time went back to the former seasons’ formula of character-driven episodes that are not purely about the Charmings nor Regina, allowing us to delve deeper into the Merida story and gave Belle the…

TV Review: Once Upon A Time (5×05): ‘Dreamcatcher’

Last night’s Once Upon A Time got uber meta reminding us of scenes from previous seasons, also we got a little bit of Merlin’s backstory and some inkling as to why and how Emma removed all of their memories before…