The Film Canon: Clueless (1995)

Unfortunately, I remember few movie theater outings as a young child, but seeing Clueless at six years old was memorable. I didn’t really understand it at the time, but I wanted to be the main character, Cher. She was cool,…

Ranking The CW’s Best Shows: A Summer Binge-Watch Recommendation List

You have to admit that The CW has stepped up its game in the past few years. Their current slate is made up of some of the most entertaining shows on network TV. Yet, people are still dismissive of these…

TV Review: iZombie (1×09) “Patriot Brains” & (1×10) “Mr. Berserk”

Hey remember when iZombie was a fun procedural, full of quippy rejoinders and feel good life lessons? Yeah, not anymore. In back to back game changers, 1×09 and 1×10 deliver the most emotionally complex episodes this season as we move…

From the Record Crate

From the Record Crate is about looking back. It’s about reaching into your music collection and pulling out an old favorite, or looking through dollar bins for older CDs you’ve never heard. It’s as much about obscure albums you’ve never…

TV Review: Sons of Anarchy 7×03 – “Playing with Monsters”

Now that we’ve got a pretty good feel for the tone of the final season of Sons of Anarchy (dark and darker), this week we were finally given an episode that starts on a lighter note. The episode begins with all of…

The Other Woman: Cameron Diaz Retrospective

At a glance, the latest chick-flick to hit the big screen, The Other Woman has shades of a First Wives Club premise. Although a dose of Bette Midler never goes astray, it is a wicked addition to the genre. A…

Oscar Predictions 2014

With Thor himself (Chris Hemsworth) announcing this years nominees for 86th annual Academy Awards, it’s time The Young Folks put out some of their own predictions before the nominees are set in stone. In a fashion, this year’s Awards Race…