TV Show Review: Gossip Girl – Season 4 Premiere

Episode 4.01 “Belles de Jour” Oooh la la… Two of our favorite Upper East Siders are in Paris, and I’m insanely jealous. I am unsure if it’s just me, but the last season of GOSSIP GIRL was a bit disappointing.…

Support the Girls is a Delightful working-class feel-good dramedy

Lisa Conroy (Regina Hall) has had a very long, very difficult day. Last night she had to bail one of her servers out of jail after she accidentally hit her boyfriend with her car. This morning she’s interviewed several new…

TV Review: Gilmore Girls: A Year In the Life

The last few months I have been spending every waking minute of my life catching up and rewatching Gilmore Girls in preparation for the revival. I have drunk copious amounts of coffee, I now talk faster and every sentence is…

TV Review: Girls 4×03 – ‘Female Author’

Recently shown in Sunday’s episode of Girls is how formulaic it has become. This episode doesn’t differentiate itself from most, but oddly it also made me want to finish the season strong, mostly due to having this episode’s only well written…

8 TV-inspired Halloween costumes to wear this spooky season

Halloween is one of the best holidays to express your pop culture interests in a creative and fun way. With the advent of peak TV, there are so many television characters to choose from this year. You can attend a…

The 10 Sebastian Stan performances that explain why we stan

Spanning from guest-starring roles on TV shows to being one of the faces of Marvel to dominating the festival circuit, Sebastian Stan’s decades-long career has made him one of the best, yet underrated, actors of this generation. In preparation of…