TV Review: The Royals (3×01) “Together with Remembrance of Ourselves”

THE SITUATION: The monarchy searches for stability after publicly exposing Ted Pryce, head of security and Ophelia’s father, as King Simon’s killer and resulting in his death. Cyrus is a Regular Bubble Boy In an attempt to right a wrong,…

TV React: The Royals (2×10) “The Serpent That Did Sting Thy Father’s Life”

THE SITUATION: With Domino breathing down their necks, the Royal family must work with Jasper and James to reveal to reveal Ted as Simon’s murderer to the rest of the country. Liam Makes a Choice Liam grabs Jasper’s gun out…

TV React: The Royals (2×09) “And Then It Started Like a Guilty Thing”

THE SITUATION: A Series of Clandestine Meetings With the exception of Cyrus, each of the Royals had a secret meeting or two to attend this week. Some about job opportunities, some about murder. You know, the usual. Eleanor to the…

The Young Folks’ Best Television Shows of 2015

The Young Folks team has come together to list the very best in entertainment and pop culture for the year 2015! Television has hit it’s peak status this year, with more series readily available than ever. Superheros have officially taken…

TV React: The Royals (2×06) “Doubt Truth to Be a Liar”

THE SITUATION: HAPPY BIRTHDAY, TWINS! Mandy/Samantha throws our favorite royal twins the child’s birthday party of their dreams, only with a ton of booze. Helena skips the affair to hang out with someone we all thought was dead. Happy birthday!…

TV Review: The Royals (2×04) “What, Has This Thing Appear’d Again Tonight?”

THE SITUATION: Makin’ Changes Our royal friends are making some changes in their lives this week. Helena reconnects to her remaining children, Eleanor gets closer (as in, a lot closer) to Mandy, and Liam starts acting like the king everyone…

TV Review: The Royals (2×03) “Is Not Something More Than Fantasy?”

THE SITUATION: Face-Off Central This week: Eleanor vs. Beck, Liam vs. Ophelia, Helena vs. the Deputy Prime Minister, and Cyrus vs. British public opinion. Let’s see who comes out on top, shall we? Way to Harsh Len’s Buzz, Beck When…