NYCC 2012: Anomaly and Brian Haberlin

At the 2012 New York Comic Con, Brian Haberlin, the co-creator, co- writer, and co-artist of Anomaly, was at the Comic Con speaking about his creation. “Anomaly is the longest, original full color graphic novel ever done. I’m the co-writer…

NYCC 2012: Childrens Hospital Interview with Rob Corddry and Jonathan Stern

Childrens Hospital was in attendance at the 2012 New York Comic Con. At the interview was creator Rob Corddry, who is known for Hot Tub Time Machine, The Daily Show with Jon Stewart, and most recently, Seeking a Friend for…

Maxwell’s Movie Review: Cloud Atlas

Some movies are like real life – painfully realistic, often cynical or sad, these seek to portray a truth about the world we live in. Many of these are marvelous films – the best among them including Mike Leigh’s Another…

Battlefield Bad Company TV Series Coming to Fox

Bad Company is a first person shooter style video game under the Battlefield franchise that was released back in 2008 on home consoles. Its story follows the service of four renegade soldiers who unintentionally get mixed up in something far…

TV Show Reviews: CW’s ‘Arrow’ and ‘Beauty and the Beast’ Pilots

During my Comic-Con run, I got to see the pilot episode for Arrow, and to my surprise, I was highly impressed. I usually disfavor shows that are composed after super-heroes, because putting such an extravagant storyline into the small screen…

Books to Movies: Which of Your Favorite YA Reads Might/Will Hit the Big Screen?

  Hollywood is gobbling up movie rights to almost every best-selling Young Adult novel to hit book stands in the past few years. Can you blame them? Every studio is looking for the new Harry Potter, Twilight and now Hunger…

Shane’s Movie Review: ‘Dredd 3D’

It’s been seventeen long years since Sylvester Stallone crushed the British cult comic strip character Judge Dredd so much that fans disowned the film. Who could blame them? I saw it at the cinema and have never forgotten the pain.…