During my Comic-Con run, I got to see the pilot episode for Arrow, and to my surprise, I was highly impressed. I usually disfavor shows that are composed after super-heroes, because putting such an extravagant storyline into the small screen constrains what can be done with the superhero. But Arrow has a very intriguing factor to it. I’m not sure if it was Stephen Amell’s eyes, or the fact that there was a serious Cast Away aspect to it. Back to Amell, who plays the rich and spoiled socialite Oliver Queen, I’d like to describe as a male “Lindsay Lohan” by the looks of his drinking cabinet.

On a boat trip with his father, Queen suffers a tragic shipwreck that leaves him stranded in an island and presumed dead to his family back home. Queen is stuck on this island for five years until he is rescued and taken back home. Back in Starling City, Queen’s mom, sister, and best friend wait for him with open arms, but as soon as they see him, they can sense some changes in his character. The changes are presumed to be trauma from the tragic event, but only Queen knows why he’s back in the city and what he is supposed to do. He has a definitive urge to redeem himself from his actions as a young and wild child.
Next we meet Laurel Lance, who is played by the extremely beautiful Katie Cassidy, talk about the perfect-looking cast. Cassidy plays a lawyer who is very driven and wants to give back to her city as much as she can. She is also Queen’s first love. Things were great until Queen cheated on Lance and decided to take her sister with him on the boat trip. By the look in her face when she first sees Queen back in the city, she has a lot of resentment towards him.
Queen is out to fix everything he has done wrong; he wants to make his father proud. Hence, he puts on a costume and takes the persona of “Arrow.” What really sold me on this show was the ending, we see Queen’s “loving” and “caring” mother in a very negative light. It is certain she knows a lot more about the shipwreck than she shows it to be.
I’m going to give Arrow 8 stars. The plot evolved very well; the writing wasn’t as bad as I expected, and the acting could have been worse. But I also enjoy shows that are different and have an unusual aspect to it, and I really didn’t see any of that.
Rating: 8/10 ★★★★★★★★
Make sure to catch Arrow October 10th on the CW at 8pm EST.
If you’re tuning into Beauty and the Beast, with the assumption of a teapot, broomstick, and candles singing to lovely tunes, do not watch this show. Sorry to disappoint, but like you, I would of liked to see some household items singing. I have no idea who named this show, and why it was named Beauty and the Beast. This new show follows the story of Catherine Chandler, who is played by Kristin Kreuk. I’m going to add that I love Miss Kreuk ,and I believe she is a great actress but this does not compare to Smallville.

Chandler’s mom is shot in front of her when she was nineteen years old. After leaving work late at night, she realizes her car won’t turn on, which leads to her calling her mother for help. After her mom comes to help her get her car started, they are both attacked, and it is not clear who attacks them. Young Chandler runs and tries to escape from her attackers until some sort of “beast” saves her. Fast-forward nine years and she has become a cop, what a surprise! Another cop/detective show! She comes face-to-face with a case in which a fashion editor is murdered, and the fingerprints turn out to be of a guy named Vincent Keller, a doctor who is now dead. She is really intrigued by the fact that a dead guy’s fingerprints were found at a crime scene, so she digs and digs for answers. Please stop me when you see any resemblance to the actual “Beauty and the Beast.”
She finally finds Vincent “the beast” Keller, who is played by up-and-coming actor Jay Ryan. He tells her the story of why he wants people to think he has “passed.” Keller had lost two of his brothers in the 9/11 attacks; this led him to enroll in the military. In the military, they constructed a formula to make the men faster and stronger. (Captain America anyone?) Keller and his rank were “guinea pigs” to this new formula. The military realized that the soldiers wouldn’t be able to control themselves when going through different emotions, and therefore decided to kill them all. This led Keller to hide out and make sure no one knows he is alive. The story leads to the “beast” aka male model, saving and protecting Chandler for those whole nine years.
I might be really biased because I just cannot stand the tittle of this show. I mean, maybe they didn’t want it to be like the original Beauty and the Beast, but why go there if you know that people are going to resemble the name to the cartoon or original show? I would of really preferred for it to be called “Teen Wolf for Adults”. Another thing was “the beast,” the costume didn’t reach my expectations; it was just Ryan with some fur on. There was nothing “beastly” about it. There were also just way too many questions unanswered and too much confusion for it to be the first episode. Overall, I GENEROUSLY give this show a 6 for effort.
Rating: 6/10 ★★★★★★
Make sure to catch ‘Beauty and the Beast’ October 11 on the CW at 9pm.