Tosche Station Episode 12: Our Favorite “Star Wars!”

This week, Jordan Decker and Alex Suffolk host a very special episode with Tosche Station’s first ever guest: editor-in-chief and founder of The Young Folks, Gabrielle Bondi! In celebration of that, the three of them engage in a fun, analytical…

‘Star Wars’ Goes Rogue: Rogue One Teaser Releases

When Walt Disney Studios purchased Lucasfilm back in 2012 for over $4 billion, a new Star Wars trilogy was immediately planned. Back in December 2015, the world finally got Chapter seven of the universe in Star Wars: The Force Awakens, which…

Tosche Station Episode 5: Star Wars Video Game Special!

This week, hosts Alex Suffolk and Jordan Decker change things up a bit to talk about all the latest happenings in Star Wars video games! They delve into the trailer for the upcoming Star Wars virtual reality game, the fan…

Giveaway: Win ‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’ Prizes!

With all of the DC and Marvel chatter lately (with a decent amount on TYF as well), it might have been easy to forget that a little ol’ movie Star Wars: The Force Awakens debuted a few months ago and is now,…

Announcing TYF’s New “Star Wars” Podcast: Tosche Station!

In case you missed it, last week The Young Folks launched its official “Star Wars” podcast: Tosche Station! Every Tuesday, you can join Alex Suffolk and Jordan Decker to discuss all the news, rumors, theories, analyses and everything else pertaining…

Is Rey from ‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’ a “Mary Sue”?

SPOILER WARNING! But the movie has been out for over three weeks now, haven’t you seen it at least twice already?  The general consensus with Rey, the hero of Star Wars: The Force Awakens, is that she kicks a lot…

What Rey Means To Me: ‘Star Wars’ delivers an iconic new character

This is probably the millionth Star Wars article on the internet about Rey and either how she’s not a “Mary Sue” or how important her character is for a new generation of fans. Why we also decided to write about…