The Young Folks’ Best Movies of 2012

The Young Folks writers have come together to list the very best in entertainment and pop culture for the year 2012! 2012 has been a great year for movies. From The Avengers to Les Miserables, there was a lot to…

Top 10 Biggest Pop Culture Moments of 2012

The Young Folks writers have come together to list the very best in pop culture for the year 2012! From the Presidential election to Honey Boo Boo Child, 2012 had really made its mark in history. Check out each writer’s…

‘Fantastic Four’ Reboot: Where Do We Go From Here?

In 2005, 20th Century Fox released Fantastic Four, and in 2007, they released the sequel entitled Rise of the Silver Surfer. Unfortunately, both of these movies raked in less than desirable critic reviews and fan comments.   Comic fans unanimously decided to…

NYCC 2012: Legendary’s Shadow Walk and RZG Comics

The final post of NYCC 2012, I end it with an interview from people with Legendary as well as RZG Comics. Legendary:  I got a mini-interview with Shane Davis and Mark Waid, who spoke about their upcoming comic book, Shadow…

Allyson’s Movie Review: Rise of the Guardians

It’s that time of year where Oscar contenders and films infused with cavity-inducing sentimentality and earnestness infest our movie theaters, and it’s up to viewers to pick the ones actually worth watching on the big screen. It’s the holiday season,…

NYCC 2012: Bruce Timm and The Dark Knight Returns Part 2 Interview

As stated before, Bruce Timm was at the 2012 New York Comic Con talking about The Dark Knight Returns Part 2, in which he is the producer of. The Dark Knight Returns Part 2 is the animated sequel to the…

NYCC 2012: The Dark Knight Returns Part 2

At the 2012 New York Comic Con, Andrea Romano and Bruce Timm, the voice director and producer of The Dark Knight Returns Part 2. Set to be released on January 29th, The Dark Knight Returns Part 2 features Peter Weller…