I called it! I knew something like this would come back to haunt this castaway. Survivor is a cruel game that loves to dish out ironic karma. Whenever a powerful twist is handed to someone, it comes with a curse. Chances are the power will hurt them in the end and send them off the island. We saw this happen yet again on Survivor: Game Changers. If only Debbie had her extra vote, there’s a chance she could’ve stuck around for another round.
Debbie played her hand too quickly. She’s cocky, erratic, and has a very high opinion about herself. After being pulled into The Six majority alliance, she thought it was easy up until the end. I don’t fault her for using the extra vote on Ozzy completely – he was the biggest threat and needed to be voted out eventually. In fact, that vote was closer than expected. It’s what Debbie did after that vote which sealed her fate.

The Six had already settled on Andrea being the one voted out. They had the majority and the votes to lock it in, and things were looking up for Debbie. Sierra was creating a Final Three alliance between her, Debbie and Sarah. The problem was Debbie’s confidence. She threw Sarah under the bus to try and work with Audry, who isn’t even part of her alliance. Audry has no reason to trust Debbie after their last season together. Why would Debbie even want to bring her in when she knows Audry doesn’t like her? By giving her frenemy ammunition, the other side used this bit of information to turn Sarah and seal Debbie’s fate. It was a domino effect that destroyed any chance of winning.
If Debbie had used the extra vote (as an insurance policy), it would have forced a tie between her and Andrea. I don’t think either side would have faltered to give up the vote, so it would’ve been deadlocked and forced them all to sudden death rocks. She could’ve slipped by this week if she had her vote. I guess Cochran’s early warning came true – his advice went to waste.
I loved the challenges in “A Line Drawn in Concrete”. The emotionally gripping scene with Cirie brought my heart. It’s great to see moments of the castaways putting the game aside to help each other. They supported her and it warmed my heart. The immunity challenge, which included balancing blocks with a long rope, was simple yet fun. I don’t know if I would’ve been able to win that challenge. It took a lot of strength and patience to ensure that the blocks fell. I do wonder, however, who the target would’ve been had Andrea initially won and not dropped her blocks. Would the alliance have targeted Zeke? Would Andrea have kept it around?! This could’ve gone in a completely different direction.

Why does everyone hate Michaela? I don’t quite understand this. It could be some of the missing footage that the editors have left out. Sure, she does complain a lot and her attitude does get a bit salty when she’s not happy. However, she seems perfectly normal and calm. I have a feeling this might be due to the fact that the castaways aren’t familiar with her game from Survivor: Millennials vs. Gen X. She just came from playing and they didn’t see her season on TV. It could also be a reason for them simply to want her out. I’m not sure if she could pull off a victory at this point – there’s a lot working against her and she is in the minority. Though, if she turned it around now by working fully with Cirie and the non-power players, she could get to the end.
Sarah’s extra power will come in handy. She seems smart enough to not waste it on a pointless vote and she’ll use it at a time to break a tie. Sarah is currently one of my top picks to win Survivor: Game Changers. No one is targeting her, she’s made many relationships, and she has a good reputation with the other players. This latest flip against Debbie may hurt her in getting Debbie’s jury vote, but it could impress the others to swing their votes to her. It was a smart move and one that looks good on a resume. Now all she has to do is make it there.