Now THAT was a blindside! This latest vote on Survivor: Game Changers had all the makings of a memorable move that these castaways couldn’t waste the opportunity. None of the minority alliance players expected it, this move didn’t make much sense based on a numbers game, and even Jeff look perplexed. However, their loss is our victory. Sometimes we just need to see someone be blindsided by the time the group heads to Tribal Council. We were given that gift. And while it’s sad to see the player go, he was a big threat.
Zeke knew the game of Survivor. He studied it and learned from his past mistakes; even some of the other castaways, like Cirie, were scared to keep him around because of it. He was likable, decent in challenges, and he was starting to make solid alliances that would push him further. All of this screams that he’s a huge threat. The majority alliance was right to keep their eyes on him. While he may have been in their group, Zeke was at the bottom – he would’ve felt no guilt switching sides and turning on them. He had tried to do so before by throwing Andrea and Cirie, who were his friends, under the bus to protect himself at all costs. It’s a smart strategy if done right, just ask Sandra.
Sure, I understand why they got rid of Zeke, and to a large extent I agree with them. However, I don’t think it was the time to do it – this move was too early. Based on the numbers alone, the majority alliance now only has one number above the minority. They could’ve picked off Tai (who has hidden immunity idols) or Sierra to guarantee some breathing room before going after Zeke. While Zeke did try to create this new power alliance in the background, it would’ve bought them more time to make a decision next round if they went after an easier target. I can’t believe I’m saying this…but Debbie may have been right in calling them idiots.
Their only chance now is to (hopefully) bring Tai into their alliance. The minority alliance has shown time and time again that Tai is at the bottom. They’ve voted him a few times in hope that he’ll be the one to go. Tai will have better luck working with a new group and tearing them apart from within. However, I don’t think that will happen. My gut is telling me that someone from the majority will switch over to the minority or Tai will use an idol. The storm is coming and this will be a moment that the majority alliance will look back as the point that ruined it all.

I loved the two challenges! They were complex, physically taxing, and they were fun to watch. The balancing immunity challenge is simple, but it takes a lot of precision to lay out the dominoes perfectly without knocking them over. I’m surprised Brad was the only one to do so (maybe this was an editing choice?). In terms of the reward challenge, this was my favorite of the night. Pairing a puzzle and obstacle course together with the elevator twist made for a memorable challenge. I would’ve been exhausted at the end if I had to keep hoisting players into the air to grab the numbers/puzzle pieces. Kudos to the game designers! We need to see more of these types of games.
Andrea is proving to be a serious competition threat. She won individual immunity and realized the clue to solving the word puzzle. She did this the last time for a similar word puzzle. All of these wins are adding to her resume. However, she’s a HUGE threat now. Everyone is going to be gunning for her and plotting her vote off at some point. Andrea, while I like the player, is one of those competitors who are too much of a threat that she doesn’t have a real chance to win the season. Unless her alliance is in power all season and trusts each other explicitly (without turning on her), it’ll be hard for a social/competition threat like Andrea to get to the end. We need to be prepared to see her walking out pretty soon.
Has anyone noticed Sarah is playing the same game she played the last time around? She’s staying in the middle of the two power alliances and has proven to be the deciding vote. In fact, her attitude even explains it as such. She’s willing to jump back and forth between each group if it suits her needs. This ruined her chances the last time. I would hate to see her go this time because of the same method. She needs to pick a side eventually and make powerful moves that strengthen her position/resume.

Though, when it comes to jury, I think Debbie will vote for her. Regardless of Debbie giving her the middle finger, she seems like the type of person who ultimately will respect bold moves. Sarah turned against her and plotted her demise. Debbie will complain about it and chastise her at the jury questions, but I have a feeling she’ll vote.
The Michaela and Zeke moments together broke my heart. She looked devastated having to turn against a friend and lead him down the wrong path. For as much trouble Michaela sometimes gives to her other castaways, she has a good heart. She’s one of my favorites and seeing her emotionally down because of the vote shows that she’s a genuine person. But that can work against you in the game of Survivor.
“Reinventing How This Game is Played” shifted the balance even closer together. While I enjoyed the challenges these castaways played and liked that they’re thinking about big bold moves, there was some sloppy gameplay here. Instead of playing Chess, some of these players played Checkers and only thought of the current situation. This moment will come back to haunt a few of them, if they’re still around by then.