It’s Double Eviction week on Big Brother 20 and we were treated to another blindside. Kudos to Level 6 for finally turning on each other! This move took long enough. After suffering through last week’s filler round with Scottie’s eviction, Week 11 promised the juicy drama that would come from Big Brother’s iconic twist. The first half of the week stayed true to form with Haleigh’s predictable boot, but the second eviction of the night made up for everything.
Unless Haleigh won Head of Household or the Power of Veto, she had no shot to stay in the house. Tyler, Angela, Kaycee, Brett, JC, and Sam all wanted her gone since they didn’t have strong alliances with her and she had four guaranteed votes from the jury. Haleigh had the best chance to win Big Brother 20, so she needed to go. The houseguests made the right call in making her the target. Nothing she could say would change anyone’s mind. Her best bet was winning challenges, but that didn’t happen. From a viewer standpoint, the predictable events were boring to watch, but from a strategic game standpoint, this move needed to happen to ensure their place in the finals.

The highlight of Haleigh’s elimination round has to be the return of BB Comics. This Power of Veto competition started on Big Brother 16 and has returned every year with a new batch of comics featuring the houseguests. Seeing the new heroic or villainous counterparts for the houseguests was fun to watch. Usually, the persona is tied to a moment they had during the summer or simply a quality about them. Kaitlyn (“The Spirit Guide”), Tyler (“The Life Guardian”), Haleigh (“Slamelet”), and Brett (“The Beefcake”) had the funnier and more interesting covers out of the bunch. Bayleigh’s cover, “The Queen Bay,” unfortunately looked like it was put together last minute without any thought. Bayleigh deserved so much more than that!
Kaycee did an incredible job sweeping the POV in less than three minutes. However, the target on her back grew immensely ever since she’s been on this challenge streak. Right now, Kaycee is one of the top players who could win Big Brother 20. In fact, she most likely could beat Tyler if they were to sit next to each other in the final two. Her biggest key strengths have been to be likable and focus on her relationships, which is a great method to win Big Brother. Kaycee needs to reaffirm her relationships and get out targets like JC and Tyler. JC is the only one who wants her gone and Tyler is her biggest threat.
Going into Double Eviction night, Tyler, Kaycee, and Angela made the right decision by targeting Brett. The fourth member of their alliance already planned to turn against the girls, so if given the opportunity, he would’ve nominated Angela & Kaycee and betrayed the alliance. Also, a highly stressful night like a Double Eviction doesn’t allow for time to campaign, sway votes, or prepare for challenges. Everything happens at a moment’s notice. Week 11 would be the best time to make a strike against Brett since he had no other options. However, both Tyler and Angela played the round poorly.
Firstly, Angela has a bad habit of making cold moves and rubbing it in the faces of the newly evicted houseguests. She did it to Rachel during Week 5, Bayleigh during Week 6, and Rockstar during Week 7 and the jury now hates her and doesn’t want to her win. Adding in the little speech during her POV announcement would only rub Brett the wrong way and any chance of her getting his vote walked out the door.
In Tyler’s case, he decided to blindside Brett instead of giving him the heads-up. When Angela won the POV, the plan was done and sealed; nothing Brett could do or say would change their minds. Tyler could’ve secured a jury vote by warning his friend of the impending move, but now that vote is anyone’s guess. Tyler’s social game isn’t as strong as we all think it is; he’s making poor decisions as the weeks go on. Whether he realizes it or not, he’s creating bad sentiment with the jury, which could cause him to lose Big Brother 20. He needs to learn from the mistakes of two-time runner-up Paul from Big Brother 18 and Big Brother 19.

Did you love watching Nicole and Victor’s marriage proposal? There may have been a tear or two from this writer. While the proposal had no effect on the game, the romantic moment helped to break up the filler and look back on a previous season. Nicole and Victor weren’t together when they competed against each other on Big Brother 18, but their romance blossomed outside the house. In fact, over Big Brother’s 19-year history, the series has produced plenty of longstanding relationships, marriages, and children between the houseguests. It’s even better than Survivor! And seeing the return of past houseguests join in for their engagement surprise was a positive reminder of the past.
Week 11 of Big Brother 20 ramped up to a thrilling conclusion. The week started by slowly inching its way to a predictable eviction before delivering a betrayal we’ve waited months to happen. It’s sad to see both Haleigh and Brett leave in the same round, but Haleigh’s iconic “uninvited” comment during her goodbye message and Brett’s stunned blindside reaction was worth everything! Now that only five houseguests remain, these players need to think about their endgames. Whoever they bring with them to the final HOH challenge could be the difference between winning and losing Big Brother 20.