Movie Review: ‘Joy’

Joy continues in the semi-comedic tradition of David O’Russell’s recent directorial filmography. Your enjoyment of…

TV React: The Royals (2×06) “Doubt Truth to Be a Liar”

THE SITUATION: HAPPY BIRTHDAY, TWINS! Mandy/Samantha throws our favorite royal twins the child’s birthday party…

Movie Review – “Timbuktu”

The man with the megaphone walks the alleyways, his mechanical voice echoing off the buildings.…

Daddy’s Home Review

Movies like Daddy’s Home around the holiday season are as inevitable as Christmas decorations on…

Jon’s Movie Review: ‘Point Break’

Point Break is an exhilarating, adrenaline junkie’s wet-dream with stunning cinematography and use of natural…

‘Concussion’ Movie Review: Will Smith’s new drama is no game-changer

What can be said about Concussion outside that it’s Will Smith’s best performance in years?…

Movie Review: ‘The Hateful Eight’

Quentin Tarantino, the only contemporary director of a blaxploitation film, a samurai movie and a…