TV Review: The Big Bang Theory 9×12 “The Sales Call Sublimation”

It’s finally happened. Amy and Sheldon have done the “dance with no pants” as Sheldon likes to put it. But the craziest part is that no one even addressed it on the show’s first episode back. This is an event…

TV Review: The Big Bang Theory 9×10, “The Earthworm Reverberation”

It’s finally happened! Sheldon and Amy are finally back together, and it looks like they’re going to move forward not only emotionally, but physically. And the thing that got them there? The Beach Boys. Let’s rewind a bit, so we…

TV Review: Survivor: Cambodia – Second Chance (31X12) “Tiny Little Shanks to the Heart”

In a backstabbing and challenging game like Survivor, there is always one moment every season that brings the heart back to the players: Family visits. No matter what remote location the castaways are living on or which player they hate…

Podcast Update! DC Debrief Episode Eight “HEROES JOIN FORCES”

Welcome to another update to the TYF DC Debrief, where we discuss the happenings in Star City, Central City and National City and catch up with our heroes week to week on CW’s The Flash and Arrow, and CBS’ Supergirl!  This week was the big fall…

TV Review: Supergirl (1×06) “Red Faced”

Welcome back to my weekly review and recap of “Supergirl.” To catch up on previous coverage, click here. After the lineup of the episodes got a bit jumbled in the past two weeks, the show has corrected course but one…

TV Review: Limitless (1X10) “Arm-ageddon”

It seems as though Brian’s decision to tell his father about what’s been going on with him has bit him in the ass a little at the beginning of Arm-ageddon. Usually a kind-hearted and even-tempered man, Dennis did not take…

TV Review: Survivor: Cambodia – Second Chance (31X09) “Witches Coven”

Survivor: Cambodia – Second Chance is creating a first for the history of Survivor. Never has one season changed the foundation of what it means to stay in an alliance post-merge. Naturally, alliances come and go as the game changes,…