10-Second TV Review: Constantine (1×10) – “Quid Pro Quo″

Overview:  The plot may be a bit clichéd, the dialogue a bit cheesy, and it might not be as outwardly enjoyable as “The Saint of Last Resorts – Part 2” yet “Quid Pro Quo” has still got plenty going for…

TV Review: The Flash (1×12) “Crazy For You”

A whole lot of things were going on in tonight’s episode of The Flash. Barry had a reunion with his dad (kind of), met a potential love interest, and helped Iris with her next news story. Caitlin and Barry went…

TV Review: Fox’s Gotham 1×14, “The Fearsome Dr. Crane”

With the recent news out that Gotham plans to introduce a Joker-related storyline before the end of this season, it seems like really enjoying Gotham is also going to mean accepting the huge winks and nudges that clearly want to…

TV Review: Fox’s Gotham 1×13, “Welcome Back, Jim Gordon”

For those who are not aware, Gotham originally had its first season set to consist of 16 episodes, only to be extended to 22.  This could seem like a great thing for those that have really been enjoying the series,…

TV Review: Fox’s Gotham 1×12, “What the Little Bird Told Him”

I am beginning to like Gotham the most when it lays a majority of its cards on the table and has episodes that could feel like a season finale or at least a mid-season break.  This week’s Gotham is not…

TV Review: Constantine (1×09) – “The Saint of Last Resorts – Part 2″

I was initially really disappointed that this episode did not take place in Hell. I mean… it’s a show about an exorcist; a Hell episode was not farfetched or anything. I convinced myself that that was what the cliffhanger at…

TV Review: Fox’s Gotham 1×11 – “Rogues’ Gallery”

Gotham is back and it has brought in cast members from The Wire, Firefly, and Hell on Wheels to give it an extra push.  We last saw the series at a bit of a crossroads, as it had some elements…