Lots of Action in the Latest ‘Wonder Woman’ Trailer

The newest full-length trailer of Wonder Woman just came out and there is plenty of goodies in it. The immediate takeaways are the amount of action this movie seems to have. There are clips of multiple fights scenes involving Diana…

TV Review: Gotham 3×07 “Red Queen”

Despite being well-intentioned, the usage of a hallucination during the bulk of Gotham’s runtime felt very contrived. With so many episodes to fill a season with, these types of episodes are often used as padding disguised as an introspective character…

TV Review: Gotham 3×06 “Follow the White Rabbit”

With the exception of last episode’s cliffhanger, Mad Hatter kept his presence to a minimum. Going into this season, I wouldn’t have expected to be clamoring for his presence each and every week. Somehow, Mad Hatter has become my favorite…

TV Review: Gotham 3×05 “Anything For You”

Although Gotham has primarily served as a showcase for guest villains, the primary players of the show shined the brightest last night. Butch and Tabitha, who both have been reduced to the sidelines as of late, were given much more…

TYF DC Debrief: New Seasons!

It’s been a while. We’re back on board with the TYF DC Debrief with new seasons, new format on YouTube Live and a more efficient bi-weekly format. Now with Supergirl finding a home at the CW network, Warner is providing…

TV Review: Gotham 3×01 “Better to Reign in Hell…”

For most of its duration thus far, Gotham is a show that can be dramatically excellent and frustratingly goofy. At points, it could be both during a single episode. Season two was a step up collectively from its prior season,…

DEFINE Podcast: Diversity in the DC Extended Universe

The Young Folks is proud to present a new podcast that hopes to take part in the ongoing discussions on diversity in the film and television industry. DEFINE: Conversations on Hollywood & Diversity is a monthly podcast hosted by yours truly…