TV Review: Broad City (2×10) “St. Marks”

This is how every season of Broad City should end: with an unwavering focus on our two leads and their friendship. The season finale last year is one of my favorite episodes the show ever did (And still is) because of how…

TV Review: The Flash (1×15) “Out of Time”

“Holy Shit” was the most popular phrase of mine in tonight’s episode of The Flash “Out of Time”. Since I’m well acquainted with internet theories and comic book lore, and watch any promo video that comes out of a show…

TV Review: Shameless (5×09) “Carl’s First Sentencing”

The living and the dying take up most of this week’s episode of Shameless, which doesn’t do much to further the ongoing storylines, but gives a lot of hints of what’s to come as well as setting up new storylines for the…

TV Review: Brooklyn Nine-Nine (2×19) “Sabotage”

This wasn’t a funny episode, which isn’t to say I never laughed. Has anyone ever noticed that Jake has been kind of sad in season two? Ever since season one ended with Jake going undercover instead of dealing with his…

TV Review: Broad City (2×09) “Coat Check”

This is the type of Broad City that I love. It starts out in one place and ends in one that I didn’t see coming. You can’t predict what’s going to happen on this show, you just have to sit and enjoy it.…

TV Review: Brooklyn Nine-Nine (2×18) “Captain Peralta”

This week’s episode of Brooklyn Nine-Nine “Captain Peralta” is another example of why I wish this show could add maybe five minutes to its overall running time. It was a good episode–an exceptional one for Jake’s characterization–but as it ended,…

TV Review: Shameless (5×08) “Uncle Carl”

This was a great episode of Shameless. Beginning the episode with most of the family splintered into different storylines, and ending it with them embracing their Gallagher pride was the best decision the show could have made. This show has a fantastic…