Matt on Music: 20 Album Reviews for March 2015

This year, I want to simultaneously take my time with music and review more of it. There are so many good albums released every year, as well as several notably bad ones, that it feels like a shame to not say something…

Book Review: ‘My Best Everything’ by Sarah Tomp

My Best Everything is far from the best, but it does manage to cover everything a young adult novel could possibly cover. From romance and friendship to financial troubles and moonshine, this book has it all. Unfortunately, a slow-paced plot…

Pixar Releases New Trailer for Upcoming Feature ‘Inside Out’

Today, Pixar released a brand new trailer for their upcoming animated feature Inside Out. The story centers on the emotions inside an 11-year-old’s head. This is the first trailer in which we get a glimpse of the plot and the…

Giveaway: Win an ARC of CITY LOVE by Susane Colasanti!

I have a weakness for books about summers in Manhattan. I’m absolutely riveted by the ups and downs of city life; it’s something that I can often relate to, which is why I’m excited to share this giveaway with our…

TV Review: ‘Jane the Virgin’ Chapter 15

Jane Gloriana Villanueva always had a plan. It’s something that we are reminded about in almost every episode because everything that has happened in the last few months has not been part of Jane’s strict plan. In my review of…

TV Review: Bob’s Burgers (5×14) – “L’il Hard Dad”

Bob Belcher has already proven his primary personality trait to be that of pride. He has a constant need to prove himself and a stubborn reluctance to let things go, regardless of how out of control they get. In “L’il…

TV Review: Brooklyn Nine-Nine (2×18) “Captain Peralta”

This week’s episode of Brooklyn Nine-Nine “Captain Peralta” is another example of why I wish this show could add maybe five minutes to its overall running time. It was a good episode–an exceptional one for Jake’s characterization–but as it ended,…