This Month In Books: December 2014

It’s the end of 2014 and we’ve got our final list of new releases for the year right here! This month there are quite a few new authors on the list that I have never read before. Nonetheless they all…

Album Review: Parkay Quarts – “Content Nausea”

The band of a thousand guitar lines, Parquet Courts have been a major figure in the indie rock scene since early 2013, when a reissue of their 2012 album Light Up Gold began to get a lot of attention and…

Meet a Brociopath

I often find myself quoting lines from movies and television in everyday conversation. However, I never quoted a fictional character whose lines are not their own, but mostly from other works of Hollywood. This changed the day I watched an…

Telltale Game of Thrones Ep 1, Kingdom Hearts 2.5 HD – New Games 12/2/14

The last of the 2014 fall season of releases trickle out in the first week of December, and Telltale surprises fans, yet again, with the launch of another new episodic series. Telltale’s Game of Thrones: Episode 1 “Iron From Ice”…

TV Review: Nashville 3×8 “You’re lookin at Country”

It was all about the CMAs this week in Nashville. Everyone was in attendance at the CMAs. Well, except for Scarlett and Deacon who decided to watch the awards from home with a box of pizza. Needless to say, they…

TV News: Watch the New ‘Outlander’ Teaser for its Spring Return

Leaving us at that awfully exciting cliffhanger this past September, Outlander owes us something. And we got that something today with a short teaser–or glimpse–of the second part of season one, which premieres April 4, 2015. The new teaser briefly…

TV Review: AMC’s The Walking Dead 5×08, “Coda”

As strong as season 5 of The Walking Dead has been for the most part, here we are with the mid-season finale, which delivered a very strong first five minutes and a compelling enough final five minutes (after the credits),…