Cat’s Movie Review: The LEGO Movie

What do you get when you decide to mix together the people who made 21 Jump Street (and the next 22 Jump Street, which is an ingenious way to advertise for that movie inside the advertisement of this movie)  as…

X Factor Gets the Axe

Could this be a sign that the age of karaoke-style competition shows is coming to an end? Fox has decided to put the long-suffering show out of it’s misery after three seasons in an announced made today. While the UK…

Jon’s Movie Review: The Monuments Men

Unsung heroes exist throughout history, whose achievements not only merit notice, but in this case a film. George Clooney’s The Monuments Men gives us the story of a group of courageous who were willing to sacrifice their lives so that…

Oscar Buzz: Evan & Ally Talking Dallas Buyers Club & American Hustle

It’s week three of me and Evan’s countdown to the Oscars and this week we’re giving a rundown on our thoughts on Dallas Buyers Club directed by Jean-Marc Vallee and American Hustle directed by David O. Russell. We have a pretty dour outlook…

Fandango Awards Watch Giveaway

Take the Fandango Awards Ballot Challenge for your chance to win movie tickets and an A-list Hollywood vacation. Make your picks, share with friends, and come back weekly for extra sweeps entries. PLUS stay up to date with Fandango’s “Awards Watch” – your…

TV Review: Arrow 2×13, “Heir to the Demon”

At the halfway point of “Heir to the Demon,” new mayoral candidate Moira Queen says to Felicity, “We all have to keep secrets, Ms. Smoak.” Secrets are not only the dramatic currency of the superhero genre but of the television…

Watch: ‘Maladies’ Trailer With James Franco

James Franco is known for portraying very peculiar characters in films. I don’t know about you, but I think he does it very well and always brings something new to the table.  Maladies is the name of a new film…