Zoom. Zoom zoom. Zoom, zoom, zoom. Tight shot of a chiseled chest that managed to reflect any semblance of decency. If you couldn’t tell by the oddly strategic angled shots this episode, the director seems to be going for an…
TV Review: Teen Wolf 3×02 – “Chaos Rising”
In this week’s episode of Teen Wolf, Derek has feelings, Scott learns more life lessons and then over indulges in them without a shred of subtlety throughout the rest of the episode, Issac takes an exorcism bath and Stiles almost…
NYCC 2012: Jeff Davis Teen Wolf Interview
At the 2012 NYCC, Jeff Davis was interviewing for Teen Wolf. Here is his interview as follows, and you can even watch the video below. You talk a lot about how you’re very hands-on, how you’re the show runner and…