Snowfall Season 1 Finale Review: “The Rubicon”

In the first season finale of Snowfall, the main players in the game are finally put to the test. Even though it seems like Franklin, Teddy, and Gustavo’s journeys moved slowly throughout the season, by the finale scenes, the parallel…

Snowfall 1×09 Review: “Story of a Scar”

“Story of a Scar” is the last episode before the season finale and once again, the build up of the episode did not deliver astounding results. After nine episodes of Snowfall, it doesn’t seem like the characters have progressed very…

Snowfall 1×08 Review: “Baby Teeth”

We are inching closer to the end of the freshman season of Snowfall and we aren’t any closer to a defined story line. In “Baby Teeth,” Snowfall was stuck in the same rut it has been in since the second…

Snowfall 1×07 Review: “Cracking”

For once, the entire episode of Snowfall, mostly, focused on one character. The storyline seemed to move more smoothly and actually have a focus when they’re not jumping from one character arc to another. Franklin was the main focus of…

Snowfall 1×06 Review: “A Long Time Coming”

I guess you could say it’s been “A Long Time Coming” since a Snowfall episode has been able to remain engaging the entire hour. While not much action happened during the sixth episode, many characters’ storylines began overlapping, making one…

Snowfall 1×03 Review: “Slow Hand”

The trailer for Snowfall’s “Slow Hand” portrayed the episode as one that would be filled with action and retribution. However, there was barely any of either. Instead, “Slow Hand” felt like a filler episode that sets up for future action…

Snowfall 1×02 Review: “Make Them Birds Fly”

Worlds start to collide in Snowfall’s second episode, “Make Them Birds Fly.” During the premiere, we were introduced to three main storylines. However, the second episode focused mainly on Franklin and his journey from slinging weed for his uncle to…