Jon Stewart: Some of His Best Moments

Jon Stewart is far from perfect, and it would be wrong to label him as that. The recent interview by former Daily Show writer and correspondent Wyatt Cenac is proof of that, and as a longtime admirer of Stewart’s, I’d…

67th Emmy Nomination Roundup

There’s an odd feeling of bittersweet “you win some, you lose some” about this years Emmy nominations. There’s a lot to love, and there’s a lot to be annoyed with. Personally, I always figured that despite its remarkable first season,…

Ally’s Movie Review: Rosewater

For all that Jon Stewart lacks in technical execution and practice he makes up for with an abundance of passion and respect for his subject, which he wears on his sleeve. There’s an exciting element to the way that Stewart…

Interview: A Conversation with Maziar Bahari on “Rosewater”

From left to right: Gael Garcia Bernal, Jon Stewart, Maziar Bahari The Young Folks had the opportunity to sit down and chat with Maziar Bahari on the upcoming film, Rosewater. Based on his memoir, Then They Came For Me: A…

Let’s Get Ready to Rrruuuuuuummmmbbbbbbllllleeeee (Verbally, of course)

There’s nothing like a good debate. The topics, the responses, the comebacks, and the insults subtly thrown at the dueling combatants are just a few of the things that people look forward to when debate season comes up. For the…