What Is Going On In The ‘Kingdom Hearts IV’ Trailer

Kingdom Hearts fans ate pretty well during the series 20th Anniversary presentation, which focused on a small handful of titles in the series. Chiefly among those was certainly the reveal of Kingdom Hearts IV. True to franchise reputation however, the…

Making FFVII Remake’s Ending Make Sense

Even before it’s life as a full-fledged game, Final Fantasy VII Remake existed as more of a tech demo. As a result, this remake is one that could easily be called one of the most anticipated video games ever. No…

New Kingdom Hearts 3 Trailer Packs Emotional Punch. We Need Baymax. Halp.

Kingdom Hearts 3 is almost upon us with its January 29, 2019 release date approaching fast and with that lead up comes a new trailer and the release of the box art. Most of the footage features the world and…

Kingdom Hearts II: How I Learned To Stop Worrying and Love The Disney

I first played Kingdom Hearts II on the PlayStation 2 when it launched in 2005. It was among the first exclusive to Playstation franchises I had played since adding the first not-Nintendo-platform to my home. I was new to the…

E3 2018: Kingdom Hearts III First Look

Nothing is worth a two-hour wait, but to finally get my hands on the elusive Kingdom Hearts III at the Square Enix booth for E3 2018 was a delightful surprise. That being said, I had plenty of opportunity in said…

TYF Reactions to E3 2018 Bethesda, EA, Microsoft

Be warned, we’re quite candid and explicit. These reactions may be childish, but they’re in good taste, and only at the expense of ourselves and our own self esteem, and maybe at billion dollar software companies. First off, Travis had…

Arrested Development Season 4’s New Name is a Kingdom Hearts Game

When Arrested Development creator Mitch Hurwitz announced the oft-rumored re-cut of the show’s fourth season this week, there was plenty reason to be excited. How could there not be, when it’s accompanied by a proper season five announcement? But for those…