Movie Review: Unforgettable

No one will confuse Unforgettable with being an unforgettable movie. We have seen this story plenty of times before wit the ”crazy white female” that is obsessed over her ex and his new partner. Julia Banks (Rosario Dawson) leaves her…

Movie Review: After the Storm

Many use the words “deceptively simple” to describe a film which makes what it’s trying to do look easy. However, I don’t think the words apply better to any director than Hirokazu Kore-eda and his invariable slice of the Japanese experience.…

Elisabeth Subrin’s ‘A Woman, A Part’ is an intimate take down of industry sexism

Elisabeth Subrin’s A Woman, A Part casts a critical lens at the film and television world as she takes a deep dive examination of what it means to age and what you do when your passion dims. Anna (Maggie Siff) a 44…

Wonder Woman is ready for the big screen in latest trailer

It can not be stated enough just how much Warner Bros. are banking on the upcoming Wonder Woman standalone after watching Suicide Squad and Batman v. Superman crash and burn critically in front of them. As the first standalone film for the character Wonder Woman (freaking…

Tatiana Maslany and Tom Cullen shine in ‘The Other Half’

A good movie that fails to live up to the beautiful performances by its leads, Joey Klein’s The Other Half starring Tatiana Maslany (of Orphan Black fame) and Tom Cullen is a solid if not great film that hits limited theaters and VOD this…

Logan continues to go against the grain in newest trailer

The more that we see of the upcoming sequel/universe adjacent Logan the more we as fans grow excited for what looks like something completely singular from not just the rest of the X-Men Universe, but from the superhero cinematic universe in general.…

Whitewashing still exists in new trailer for Ghost in the Shell

Running at just 30 seconds long, the Scarlett Johansson led Ghost in the Shell continues to visually amaze for fans of the original films with it’s near frame for frame replication until we remember that Johansson is white and the Ghost in the…