Netflix: The Great Purge of 2013

Have you logged into your Netflix instant queue today and noticed a lot of missing titles? Does the number 1,794 sound about right? As of today, that is how many titles Netflix removed from their instant programming. The majority of…

TV Recap: Awkward. 3×03 “A Little Less Conversation”

Previouslies! Jenna told Jake about her pregnancy scare. Matty is angry about this, OBVIOUSLY. Onward! One week later: Matty is doing everything in his power to NOT have another pregnancy scare, including hold Jenna’s hand. Jenna details her rising panic…

TV Recap: Awkward. 3×01-“Cha-cha-cha-changes” and 3×02 “Responsibly Irresponsible”

“Cha-cha-cha-changes” (3×01) It’s the beginning of Jenna’s junior year of high school, and she’s already anxious. She feels uncertain about her friendships with Tamara and Ming due to their summer separation and Jenna’s absorption in her relationship with Matty. Tamara’s…

TV Review: MTV’s ‘Buckwild’

The new MTV show, Buckwild, kicked off last Thursday at 10pm, replacing the popular show, “Jersey Shore” that had recently ended its run. Coincidently, in my opinion, the show is kind of like Jersey Shore, except that the cast is…

TV Review: MTV’s ‘Catfish: The TV Show’

This is definitely my most current, favorite reality show. This is a show that, honestly, no one cannot like. The TV series was inspired by the very real documentary in 2010, “Catfish: The Movie.” In the documentary, a guy named…

TV Review: Daria

Daria is an American animated television series created by Glenn Eichler and Susie Lewis Lynn for MTV. The series focuses on Daria Morgendorffer, a smart, acerbic, and somewhat misanthropic teenage girl who observes the world around her. The show is…

Books to Movies: Which of Your Favorite YA Reads Might/Will Hit the Big Screen?

  Hollywood is gobbling up movie rights to almost every best-selling Young Adult novel to hit book stands in the past few years. Can you blame them? Every studio is looking for the new Harry Potter, Twilight and now Hunger…