TV Review: Awkward. (5×06) “Don’t Dream It’s Over”

Tonight’s awkward Awkward. opener is courtesy of the Parents Hamilton: Jenna and Tamara sit down to enjoy a post-engagement Sex and the City marathon party, to find out that Kevin has sorted his Sex and the City-inspired porn in with the…

TV Review: Awkward. (5×05) “The Dis-Engagement Dinner”

  This week on Awkward., we face Tamara’s fake engagement storyline head on! Jenna is worried that Tamara has fallen in love with Adam, but our girl T assures her that isn’t the case: “I’m a seventeen-year-old girl who has…

TV Review: Awkward. (5×03-5×04) “Jenna in Wonderland” and “Now You See Me, Now I Don’t”

“Jenna in Wonderland” Need a refresher? Check out past recaps here. “Put a flavored condom on your head, because your mind is about to get blown!” Tamara exclaims, using what is quite possibly the worst line to come out of…

TV Review: Awkward. (5×02) “Short Circuit Party”

Need a refresher? Check out past recaps here. The worst part about pranks is cleaning up, a lesson the gang is learning after last week’s foam party. Everyone is looking pretty grumpy, especially Matty and Jake. “I’m going to need…

TV Review: Scream (1×09) “The Dance”

THE DANCE: be it Homecoming, the Prom, or your regular old Spring Fling, it’s the pinnacle of most ‘80s, ‘90s, and early 2000s teen movies. It’s Scream’s turn to take on this particular right of passage, which means that instead…

TV Review: Teen Wolf (5×10) “Status Astmaticus”

Welcome back to my weekly review and recap of Teen Wolf. To catch up on previous coverage, click here.  I’m going to allow myself a disclaimer real quick here because all in all, I didn’t think this was a great season (half-season?)…

TV Review: Scream (1×08) “Ghosts”

Riley’s death has nothing on Will’s in terms of a turning point for Scream’s first season; the horror wrought by the Killer last episode for Emma’s benefit was vindictive and excessive. Let’s see how events continue to spin out this…